Education in Indian Society

Educated Unemployment- Causes and Remedies

       In India, the educated unemployment became the biggest problem and it also faces many challenges in the life of educated people for not getting a proper livelihood. Educated unemployment is unemployment among people with an academic degree. It is due to mismatch between the aspiration of graduates and employment opportunities available to them. The joblessness among the educated ie; matriculates and above is called educated unemployment. It is a truth that young people with a degree are more vulnerable to find a job of their quality and the cause of this are many.
  • Causes-  
1) Economic condition:
              Economic condition is the main  in unemployment. Due to weak economic condition company fails to pay their employees, they have to leave the job. The economic condition of a country play a significant role in employment. Educated youth need job and wage package that meet the skill they possess, but the weak economic condition does not provide such opportunities or packages. Here the Govt. policies have a great effect, it is to be polished in a way to utilise a full manpower the country has.
2) Lack of skill:
              With the Boom of IT there is large number of employment opportunities in many sectors. Despite large number of educated young, there is shortage of skilled manpower. In the screening of 100 people 90% of educated youth faces lack in three main skills required for job and employment. Only 10% of educated youth is employable. And the problem of this lies in the education system which has mismatch with the requirement of the skills and also no practical training is given to them leading to the failure of goals expected from education system.
3)Technology growth:
             The growth of technology is considered to be the reason for unemployment for a certain extend. Its inclusion is important in the growth of economy but it reduces the chance for job opportunities as it can do 10 days work with 100 labourers within one day with one operator.
4) Population and migration:
              Uncontrolled population and migration of foreign jobseekers could be counted as a cause for unemployment. As the population increases number of job seekers increase, resulting in unemployment.
     Migration is also a big concern as professional seek job outside, people from neighbouring countries boost the concerned in unemployment.
5) Recession.
6) Inflation.
7) Demand of highly skilled labour.           
8) Attitude towards employees.
9) Nepotism.
10) Young people are not ready to do job which one is of the level of social degradation.
  • Remedies 
1) The rapid industrialisation.
2) Faster economic growth to generate new job.
3) Improvement in the education and            training provided to youth with great focus on vocation skill and self employment.       
4) Promoting female education.
5) Enhanced focus on entrepreneurial,          communication and inter-personal skill        development.
6) Increase cross talk between private-publi formal-informal educational enterprises.      7) Integrated counselling, evaluation and carrer guidance initiative.
8) Effort made by Government- Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana(PMRY) for educated unemployed youth.
Scheme of Self-Employment for Educated Unemployed Youth(SEEUY). 
9) Development of rural area will stop the    migration of people.
10) Government should allow foreign          countries to open up their unit in India, so more employment opportunities will be made available.

     Thus the employment problem, especially among educated youth in India should be given a serious consideration by government as a coming generation is to be the pillars of the nation in the future. If the rising generation is demoralized and degenerated then our country will not be able to make any substantial advances in future.


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