
Showing posts from July, 2021


BOOK REVIEW THE ALCHEMIST                                                     - PAULO COELHO              The book depicts the story of a shepherd boy, Santiago from Spain who is getting repeated dreams of treasure lying in the pyramids of Egypt. He embarks on a journey of finding the treasure after meeting an old man . In his journey he met different people namely - a merchant, Englishman, an alchemist, and love of his life. He keeps learning the important lessons of life while on his journey to the Pyramids. The main theme of the book is about finding and fulfilling one's purpose (personal legend) in life.The author has used notions like personal legend, Language of universe, soul of world etc frequently. The storytelling is captivating and interesting. The story tells us to keep faith and hope in all circumstances. Also the book not only emphasizes on achieving one's dreams but also lays stress on the importance of love, spirituality and faith in one's life. Reading &quo


  BOOK REVIEW TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE                                                         - MITCH ALBOM          "Tuesdays with Morrie” is a memoir by American author Mitch Albom about the series of visits he made to his former sociology professor Morrie. This book teaches us common life lessons and leaves it on the reader to interpret it in his own way. It's a book that does leave its impact on you! As Mitch learns of his most loved and favourite professor from university is dying he sets back to find him, and speak to him, relish in his knowledge and wisdom of this world, of this life. They meet every Tuesday, and talk about death, life, love, family, regrets, emotions, money, culture, forgiveness. All lessons that can't be taught in a textbook but instead spoken from years of experience. Morrie, is so inspiring, here he battles with a terminal disease that is robbing every part of his life, he loses his independence more and more every day. But instead of feeling sorry


 BOOK REVIEW THE GOD OF SMALL THINGS                                            - ARUNDHATI ROY      The story spans over three generations masterfully crafted taking us back and forth the timeline. The attention to detail is in such magnitude that the effects of each incident in the book affect one's, feeble heart profoundly. At least for me, certain events from the book caused so much damage that I had to go days mulling over the tragedies and agonies of it all. It fondles the political standing of the state, castism, untouchability was so panoramic that it was almost unbelievable. It was quite informative to me(who has very little knowledge of past politics) and I had to do some research on the tensions prevailing at that time which the book resonates throughout. However, the essence of such tensions still linger even today its roots running deep and Roy takes us back to where it might have all begun. An Anglophile Christian family with education at its best, following an occupa



