The story spans over three generations masterfully crafted taking us back and forth the timeline. The attention to detail is in such magnitude that the effects of each incident in the book affect one's, feeble heart profoundly. At least for me, certain events from the book caused so much damage that I had to go days mulling over the tragedies and agonies of it all. It fondles the political standing of the state, castism, untouchability was so panoramic that it was almost unbelievable. It was quite informative to me(who has very little knowledge of past politics) and I had to do some research on the tensions prevailing at that time which the book resonates throughout. However, the essence of such tensions still linger even today its roots running deep and Roy takes us back to where it might have all begun.
An Anglophile Christian family with education at its best, following an occupation of preserves from entomology to pickle factory. Substantially failed marriages, domestic violence, succeeding spinster hood, forbidden fondness, molestation, unexpected accidents, forever separation, political tyranny, abuse of power and incest all of these true to their occupation were tried to be preserved from the prying eyes of the society. But only so much can be held in the dark eventually light seeps in as love, death and healing.
This book is rendering of; no matter how much prepared we are for the inevitable or the invincible; but we can never be prepared enough to face what lies at the depth of our hearts. Author has written the story in a bold and unapologetic manner, which makes it yet more staggering. She tried giving a voice to her characters, by making them break stereotypes of society. As an artist Roy is able to express things in such a manner that it persuade the reader to think how each small thing happening in anyone's life is the result of a chain of events,one leading to other and how it can shape anyone as a human being. How something Small can be a matter of life and death to a particular person; and how what the entire world thinks is a huge deal can be forgotten with the blink of an eye.
Beautiful book❤️
Must read!
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