Extraordinary tale of love through a Dervishes eyes, bringing Middle Eastern culture and religion to the heartbeat of love. "The Forty Rules of Love", a book I would encourage anyone to read. It gave me a different perspective on the emotions and thoughts of love, experiencing the life of a dervish and his 40 rules, made the story liberating and more intriguing. The beauty of Elif's writing is the reader is always learning as well as feeling engaged within the story.
The well rounded characters created are a fan favourite of mine especially Shams of Tabriz. Normally everything we do within reach or actions has something to do with love and that's the message Shams leaves us with. His Sufi religion didn't control him, it freed him from society. He showed others how to love without any restraints or rights and wrongs. Elif writes with conviction, demonstrating that love can change the world and if we take a pause and think about it, love rules all. Whether it might be love for someone else, a partner, friendship, child or self love. The emotional intertwined stories and the hidden meanings cleverly woven into the texts really strike a chord with me, always making me more invested to read more of Elif's work. The writer also told the 20th century American women story who is housewife and also an editor of the small literary company who is deprived from husband love and seek for a true love she is also depressed with children's self-made decisions.
In this book there are many worthy stuff about life. Every page and every chapter of this book got a fruitful knowledge which may help in our life. This book is has an essence of Love. It will remind you how much of it we are lacking in our lives. It teaches you about the power of kindness and how it transforms a person into a beautiful soul. It has so many lessons that a few words can not do justice to its reviews. The compassion, forgiveness, pity, love, friendship and faith are some of the many things which Shams wants us to adapt. He doesn't give sermons or lectures, rather just a few simple and sweet rules which can change our whole lives and perspectives. It's only a matter of choice as to how we want to treat others or how we react to situations.
At last I will only share the worthy words of Rule no 40th by Shams, he said “A life without love is of no account. Don’t ask yourself what kind of love you should seek- spiritual or material, divine or mundane, Eastern or Western...Divisions only lead to more divisions. Love has no labels, no definitions. It is what it is, pure and simple. Love is the water of life. And lover is a soul of fire! The universe turns differently when fire loves water “
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